

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Impact Story

Gifts to United Way of Rhode Island power the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. This is a nationwide initiative supported by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which trains and certifies volunteers to provide free tax preparation services to low and medium-income individuals. Many seniors, persons with disabilities, and those with limited English proficiency use this program. VITA services are often hosted by community organizations in accessible and comfortable locations. United Way of Rhode Island partners with VITA to manage and deliver these services in 23 sites across Rhode Island. 

Tax preparation can cost between $100 - $300 for the typical VITA user, which can be used instead to pay for other essential needs like rent, groceries, or healthcare.

United Way of Rhode Island’s investment of $300,000 in the VITA initiative returns $76 for each dollar invested.

In addition to tax preparation, United Way partner Progreso Latino is certified to assist individuals in applying for an ITIN, or individual tax identification number, a requirement to obtain a drivers’ privilege card or identification privilege card. 

The site at the Center for Southeast Asians helped a taxpayer who was about to get evicted from his apartment as his rent was past due. He had not filed taxes in seven years and had no supporting paperwork. VITA created an IRS online account and helped him request his transcripts from the State Division of Taxation. Even though two years of tax returns were withheld because he filed late, he was able to deposit about $10,000 in his bank account from his refund and stimulus and was able to stay in his apartment.

VITA volunteers can identify and help claim important tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC), which can add thousands to a family’s refund.  VITA’s guidance ensures they receive the maximum and most accurate refund possible, while minimizing audits. A volunteer at Jonnycake Center for Hope (JCH) identified an error in a client’s prior year return, and filed an amendment with a substantial refund for the taxpayer.

401Gives 2025-headroom

Leaders United Donors ($1,000 – $9,999)

Rhode Islanders who commit $1,000 - $9,999 to the Community Impact Fund (CIF) to address disparities and take action Innovators
($7,000 - $9,999 designated to CIF)

Mrs. Sarah H. Godfrey

Dr. Francois I. Luks

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
and Nicole Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Richard McWhirter

Ms. Christina H. Paxson
and Ari Gabinet

Mr. David M. Rice

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Rockefeller, III Believers
($3,000 - $6,999 designated to CIF)

Gregory Accetta

Douglas D. Backes

Norman & Ann Baker

Matthew S. Blank

Jeremy Bragg

Phillip Cole

Mrs. Rachel Cope

Michael R. Corcoran

Kathleen A. Doherty

Jayne M. Donegan

Mrs. Heather K. Easterbrooks

Jen & Tony Faria

Julius & Laura Tancinco

Margaret & David Farrell

Cynthia T. Fiore

Dr. & Mrs. E.G. Fischer

Karen & Jason Freedman

Ronnie & Sari Gibson

Joyce and Al Goes

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Goodwin

Dennis & Mary Grady

Mary & Richard Moody

Richard L. Hall, Jr.

Sam & Laurie Hanna

Rosemary Haverland

Barry G. & Kathleen C. Hittner

Peter & Vicky Hollmann

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Huntoon

Warren & Janet Jagger

George E. Knowles

Mary Kay Koreivo

Lori LePage

Ray & Peggy Lippka

Rebecca and Michael Marino

Markstone Family
Charitable Foundation

Patricia K. & Roger J. Martinez

Peggy & Gene McQuade

Brian Moynihan & Susan Berry

Mr. John Olerio

Robert D. Persons

Mr. Peter C. Plumb

($1,000 - $2,999 designated to CIF)

Lanre Ajakaiye

Laurie A. Horridge

Paul G. Aballo

Marisa A. Albanese

Elaine Alderdice

Mr. Marc C. Anderson

Richard & Michelle Anderson

Diane M. Ayotte

John Baker

Ms. Joann Barao

Cheryl G. Barbato

Tom & Maria Barry

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm B. Baxter

Thea Becker

Peter & Carolyn Belisle

Maurice & Barbara Bell

Dr. Christina Bellanti

Eneida & Kyle Bennett

Raymond & Nancy Benoit

Darren & Gina Benson

Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Bentz

Gail Bianco

Peg & Jim Bierden

Marcia C. Blacher

Gerry & Gil Blanchette

Aaron Blaquiere

Ms. Sherry L. Blomstedt

The Bloom Family

Susan and Ralph Bodington

Carmelina Borsellino

Mr. Anthony August Botelho

Loren Bowe

Sharleen & Lawrence Bowen

Jennifer J. Boyle

Keb Brackenbury

Ms. Maureen E. Brady

Terry J. Brennan

Brier & Brier

Edward & Sheila Broderick

Dr. & Mrs. Roger Brotman

Robert & Susan Brunelli

Elizabeth Burke Bryant &            Daniel Bryant

Mr. Andrew J. Bryson

Ms. Patricia A. Buchanan

Chris and Jan Budris

Mrs. Jamie Burke

Mr. Richard Burlingame, Jr.

Michael Busam and Jessica Blanco-Busam

Robert Bush

Marcia L. Cade

Mr. Christopher Cahill

Robert Matthew Cairns

Thomas Caisse

Erinn K. Calise

Mary Ann Canavan

Lisa M. Capalbo

Louis & Renee Cappucci

Dena & Ken Carlone

Kathryn Carmichael

Brian Carroll

Ms. Breeda M. Carroll

John & Deidre Casey

David Castaldi

Nathan W. & Mary E. Chace

Tina M. Chapman

Anne M. Ciresi

Ann Clarke

Ms. Brenda Clement

Ailis Clyne MD

Sean O. Coffey

Sean & Lee Dimeo Coffey

Tim & Colleen Coggins

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin

Colin A. Coleman

Sandi Connors

John & Shari Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Cormier

Mr. James R. Corriveau

Wesley & Pamela Cotter

Mrs. Maryellen Cox

Michael E. Criscione

Alison Croke

John & Tarra Curran

John B. Currie

Angie D'Albora

Mike & Pat D'Ambra

Judith & Murray Danforth

Rodney P. Davis & Brian Mills

Mrs. Laura L. Davis

Deborah Dawson

Ryan D. DeCesare

Robert A. DeFelice

Karen Delisle & William Moreno

Michael Dembro

Sarah Denby

Rhonda DePetrillo

Mr. William P. DeRita III

Ms. Carleen J. Derziotis

Eric & Jill DeShiro

Mr. Raghuram A. Dharmapuri

Alexandra F. Dias

Colleen Dickson &

Paul M. Hawkins

Ruth DiGiovanni

Ms. Janine C. DiMarzio

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dionne

Paul & Kristen DiSanto

Judy & George Dlugos

Christopher Doepper

Thomas Doeppner &
Katrina Avery

Ms. Elizabeth Doherty

Jud Donaldson

John M. Donohue

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Donovan

Mr. William L. Donovan

Patricia dos Santos Borges

Judy M. Downey

Mr. Jody Draine

Mark Driscoll

Susan Duffy & Paul Gordon

James F. Dugan

Mr. Richard G. &
Jennifer H. Dunn

Jenifer Dwyer

Melissa A. Emidy

Mr. Victor C. Faria

Scott C. Farnham

Michael D. Fascitelli

Andrew & Deb Faulkner

Jay & Joyce Ferguson

Crystal Ferrigan

Ms. Joann S. Ferris

Ms. Elena K. Festa

Leah Fiore

Kenneth & Elizabeth Flanagan

Josh & Rachel Flum

Frank Flynn

George Fogarty

Mrs. Janet S. Fogarty

James Fogerty

Albert & Paola Fernandez

Lisa O. Fougere

Mary & Kevin Fox

David B. Freeman

Ms. Tricia L. Frerman

Christopher J. Friel

Scot & Lindsay Fulghum

Mr. Lloyd D. Gail

Erin Garcia

Gregory & Laura Garger

Marc J. Gauthier

Steve Giannakas

James Giffen

Carrie Gizienski

Mr. John N. Godin

Michael R. Goldenberg

Maryellen Goode

Mr. & Mrs. Mark
& Liz Goodermote

Lisa Goodlin

Mr. Connor J. Gormley

Gregory A. Gould

Colleen Gouveia

Mr. Pedro L. Gozalo

Matthew J. Grady

Christopher Graham
& Jessica Pepitone

Al Grant

Pamela J. Griffing

Mr. Michael Guglielmo, Jr.

Lisa Guillette & Niall Murphy

Pamela & Stuart Hallagan, III

Melissa Hamlin

Mr. Douglas G. Hancher

Mr. Robert Hancock

Colleen Harnois

Elena Yates Harootunian

Mrs. Jean A. Harrington

Mr. Matthew Harrison

Gina G. Harvey

Patrick & Mary Hayes

Eileen Cheng & Brendan Hassett

Mrs. Lisa Hatch

Courtney Hawkins

Ms. Kristen M. Hebert

Diane P. Hewitt

Richard & Carole Higginbotham

Ronald T. Hinthorn

Hope and David Hirsch Family Fund

Heidi S. Holden

Mary & Bill Hollinshead

Mr. Robert Hughes and
Dr. Linda Shaw

Bruce and Jennifer Humphrey

Phil & Audrey Hussey

Christopher & Stacia Jackson

Ms. Maria N. Janes

Donna Johnson

David Michael Johnson

Ms. Marguerite M. Joutz

Mr. James Joseph Joyce, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kagan

John & Ann Kashmanian

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Kaufman

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kean

Gabor Keitner

David & Q. Kellogg

George Kinnear

Kate Kishfy

Jim Klinger

Katherine D. Klosowski

Holly M. Knott

Alena Korshunova

Barbara Kowack-Murthy

Mr. Thomas Kraig, Jr.

Shriram Krishnamurthi

Cortney Krupka

Leo Kushner

Emma Lalovic

Thomas & Margaret Lamb

Deborah E. LaMond

Lesley & Robert Landau

The Languirand Family

Ms. Cornelia W. Lanou

Jeanne A. Lapak

Robert A. Larivee

Ms. Traci Gail Lawrence

Mike & Catherine Lebovitz

Christine Lessard

Avia Levin

Peter T. Levine

Richard & Roanne Licht

Peter & Deborah Lipman

Alan & Marianne Litwin

Joseph Skinner Logan

Ms. Stacey M. Lopes

Jodi Lucchetti

Joann L. White

Mr. John Luipold

Linda & Gary Lulli

Mrs. Marisa Luse

Ms. Erin N. Lynch

Bethany A. Lyons

Joanne Mace

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mahoney

Robin Main & Robert Powers

Vineet Maindola

Winfield Major & Susan Starkweather

Robert A. Mancini

Carolyn B. Maney

The Marovelli Family

David Martirano

Edward & Marie Massoud

Theresa L. Massoud

Kevin Matta

Ms. Sandra M. Mazo

Mr. Todd D. Mazza

Jodi Mazzola

Ms. Sylvia Mburu

David & Kim McCabe

James C. McCaughey

Medina McDade

Barbara McDonagh

Jane R. McGregor

Kristen McLean

James & Carissa McMillen

Teresa McPhillips

Danny Meadows

Sharon L. Medeiros

Cindy & Robert Meek

Joseph S. Meisel

Stephanie Mendes

Felicia Fund, Inc.

Donald L. Michaels

Donald R. Miller

Patricia M. Milligan

Mary Jean Miniati

Mr. Mickey C. Monarch

Mark Moore

Paul & Jean Moran

Shanti Morell-Hart

Mr. Michael J. Morgan

John Mortenson

Mr. David J. Mulanaphy

Michael J. Mullane

Cindy & David Mullen

Dennis & Linda Murphy

Mr. Robert J. Murray

Elizabeth A. Musgrave

Virginia & Alan Nathan

Jane S. Nelson

Jeffrey L. Nelson

Tim & Kelly Nevins

Joyce A. J. Nichols

Glenn S. Nirenberg

Ms. Mary E. Noons

Ms. Donna M. Normand

Chris Nothnagle

Kevin and Stephanie O'Neill

Ysamar Ortega

Mr. Erik Owsik

Alice* & Calvin Oyer

Robert J. Pacheco, Jr.
& Valerie Eastwood

Ed & Paula Paluch

Rebecca Paquette

Builders (continued)

Mr. Michael Patch

William R. Patterson, III

Anne Pearson

Stephanie Pelletier

Irma A. Pereira

Ms. Marleny Perez

Roger Peters

Angelo Pezzullo

Valerie J. Pimenta

Pimentel Family

Jill C. Pipher

Ms. Janine M. Pitocco

Lisa Collard Provost

Edward & Claudia Pryor

Anne & Patrick Quinn

Rabinowitz Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Radel

Herbert Rakatansky &
Barbara Sokoloff

  1. Donald Rankin

Mr. Charles W. Ransom

Ms. Jennifer L. Redmond

Ms. Kim Reese

Barbara Reid

Sarah J. Rimmer

Henry & Jan Rines

Arthur* & Judith Robbins

Ricardo P. Romero

James V. & Janet M. Rosati

Helen L. Rosca

James P. Runstadler

Roland Ruprecht

Kathleen A. Ryan, Esq.

Nancy Safer

Mr. Andrew P. Saitas

Salmanson Family Foundation

Scatchard Family

Brian Schuster

Ms. Michelle Sears

Ms. Lisa Ann Sellar

Mary Semeraro

Martin Semeraro

Mr. Swarna K. Sen

Nancy T. Serpa

Rena Q. Sheehan

Merrill Sherman

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Silvan

John Silva & Ms. Debra L.

Mary Jane & Dennis J. Silva

Steven Sloman & Linda Covington

Richard B. Smith

Ms. Courtney A. Smith

Mr. Gary Q. Smith

Mr. John F. Smith

Barbara L. Smith

Richard M. Smith

Janice M. Soares

Stacia L. Soucy

Amy Stack

Ms. Laurie J. Stenovitch

Mr. Eric J. Strandson

Eileen & Richard Straughn

Michele & Mark Streton

Felicia Sullivan

Eric Swanson

Anne & Michael Szostak

Suzanne J. Tabor

Julius & Laura Tancinco

Joanne S. Tellier

Ms. Kara Theriault

Bill Thurman

Susan Tierney

Jill and James Tobak

Pentti Tofte

Ms. Sonserae Toles

Jackenry Torres

Stephen & Caroline Tortolani

Ms. Sharon E. Trask

Danielle Trombino

Donald and Pamela Troppoli

Ms. Linda L. Turner

Jena Christina Ulak

Dr. Andries Van Dam

Charles Van Vleet

Ms. Deborah A. Venditelli

Al & Gerrie Verrecchia

Kevin Vieira

Kimberly Wachter

Tammy King Walsh

Ms. Mallory M. Walsh

Ms. Elizabeth J. Walsh

Aislinn Walters

Dr. Larry O. Warner

Ted V. Weber

Mr. Frederick E. Webster, III

Mr.* & Mrs. Peter J. Westervelt

Lauren T. Whatmough

Mr. & Mrs. David Wilder

Ryan & Christina Wilkes

Laura & Steve Wilkinson

Robert and Bonnie Willgoos

Marie Williams

Kathryn S. Windsor, Esq.

Galen Winsor

Christine L. Witkos

Martha L. Wofford

Kathleen and Richard Wong

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Worrell

Scott & Lori Wragg

Bill & Nancy Wray

Harrison M. & Josephine S. Wright

Mary C. Wright

Karin Wulf

Art Yarumian

Dr. James Yashar
Charitable Family Fund

Samuel Zwetchkenbaum

36 donors wish to remain anonymous.

401Gives 2025-headroom

Tocqueville United Donors ($10,000+)

Change Makers: Individuals who transform our community by uniting their voices and gifts of $10,000+ each year to the Community Impact Fund
($250,000 and above)

The Eugene P. Carreiro Revocable Family Trust

Tom & Cathy Lawson

($100,000 - $249,000)

Jim & Cory Galloway

Mary & Tom Gilbane

William & Dione Kenyon

Mr. & Mrs. Jack O'Donnell

Barbara & Ralph* Papitto

Malcolm Roberts


($75,000 - $99,999)

William H. Claflin*

PalmFam Foundation

Shivan & Jyothi         Subramaniam

($50,000 - $74,999)

Bradford & Kimberly Dimeo

Carol A. Peterson

Sharpe Family Foundation

($25,000- $49,999)

Bret and Diane Ahnell

Carol G. Barton

Roberta Butler & Bott Ikeler

Colby & Elaine Cameron

Jonathan W. &
Cornelia K. Hall

Cathy & Tom Ryan

Thomas D.* &
Virginia H. Soutter

($10,000 - $24,999)

Patty & Mel Alperin

Jack* & Zelma Carey

Elizabeth Chace

Barbara Chernow &
William Farber
Dr. Thomas &
Maryann Correia

Heidi Kirk & David A. Duffy

Jonathan & Ruth Fain

Warren Galkin

Al & Sue Hulley

Dolph & Maureen Johnson

Jeff & Shirley Kolarik

Anthony J. Mangiarelli

Karin McCormick

Christopher &
Mary Elleen Patton

Yahaira Placencia

George J. Plesce

Betsey Purinton &
James English

Mary "Polly" B. Wall

Mr. & Mrs. William Zeitler

Two donors wish to remain anonymous.


Tocqueville United: Philanthropic leaders who give $10,000+ annually with at least $2,500 invested in United Way's Community Impact Fund

($75,000 - $99,999)

Malcolm & Martha Makin

($50,000 - $74,999)

John & Karen Galvin

Polly & Ned Handy

Larry & Mary Beth Keefe

Matthew A. Lopes, Jr.

($25,000- $49,999)

Laurie & Ruud Bosman

Bill & Judy Braden

Michael & Jamie Costello

Daniel and Eleanor Gilbane

Randall E. Hodge

Joseph H. Hogan

Jerrold L. &
Barbara S. Lavine

Dorothy McCulloch

Rebecca R. Preston

Tony & Virginia Thomas

($10,000 - $24,999)

Matthew S. Blank

David and Francine Bonneberger

Nicholas Brown

James L. Carr, Jr. &
Mary Ann Wood

Richard & Louise Carriere

Joanne M. Daly & Guy Millick

Michael L. Dube

Nancy & Charlie Dunn

Alan G. Hassenfeld

Joseph W. Hogan

Kevin & Ann Ingram

Bernard A. Jackvony

David R. Katzen, MD & Barbara R. Binder

Larry & Mary Beth Keefe

Leslie M. Kenney

Srinivasan Krishnamurthy

Peter & Marnie Lacouture

Beverly E. Ledbetter, Esq.

Michele Lederberg

Michele & David Leone

Gary & Renee Love

Chantrey Marchand

Todd & Anita Mather

Bill & Joan Mekrut

Geoff & Sonia Millsom

Peter & Sandy Miniati

Jonathan & Wendy Mishara

Theresa Molloy

David & Cortney Nicolato

Rachel North

Bogdan & Rita Nowak

Sandra & Kenneth Pattie

David Portelli & Laura Laurence

Michael & Robin Prescott

Barbara Silvis

Cynthia Stewart Reed

The Swaminathans

John A. Tarantino

Frances & Peter Trafton
Three donors wish to remain anonymous.

401Gives 2025-headroom

Anchor Society Donors


The Anchor Society recognizes United Way of Rhode Island's most loyal donors whose investment in our community's future makes significant and long-lasting change in people's lives. Through their planned gift, Anchor Society members make an impact that will be felt during their lifetimes and for many years to come.

The Eugene P. Carreiro Revocable Family Trust*

Victor R. Charles

William H. Claflin*

Karen A. Davie &
Garrison A. Hull

Sarah and Charley Denby

Christine Ann Farrands


John D. Flynn, Jr.

Ms. Patricia A. Gauvin

Mary & Tom Gilbane Jr.


Jonathan W. &
Cornelia K. Hall

Ashley M. Jankowski

Lauren Amy Johnson


Georgeanne Keith

Marie Langlois &
John Loerke

Catherine Lewis

Linda J. Marty

David & Cortney Nicolato

Anita Oliver*

Carol A. Peterson


Ms. Irene K. Plaga*

Dennis E. Stark

Susan & Alec Taylor

Thomas & Sharon Veronneau

Donald & Crystal Way

401Gives 2025-headroom

Organizational Partners


We are proud to partner with Organizations, Foundations, and Trusts across our State in support of our mission for a more just and equitable state for all. Most complement their giving with a workplace giving program and work with our volunteer engagement team to engage employees in meaningful team-building activities. Others work with us to craft comprehensive corporate social responsibility programs.

Community Leaders
$500,000 or more

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island

City of Providence


RI Department of Human Services

RI Office of Healthy Aging

RI Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner

Community Philanthropists
$200,000 - $499,999

Bank of America

Brown University

Gilbane Inc.

Pappito Opportunity Connection

Rhode Island Energy

Teknor Apex Company

The Washington Trust Company

Community Benefactors
$100,000 - $199,000

Barr Foundation

Centreville Bank

Delta Dental of Rhode Island

General Dynamics Electric Boat

State of Rhode Island

Walter L. & Edna N. Davol Fund

Community Partners
$50,000 - $99,000

AAA Northeast

Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C.

Amica Mutual Insurance Company

Bank Rhode Island


Citizens Bank

CVS Health

Dimeo Construction Company *
Hasbro Foundation

Hodges Badge Company, Inc.

Jesse Metcalf Trust

Pannone Lopes Devereaux & O'Gara LLC

Seimer Family Foundation

Virginia T. Maderia Fund

Webster Bank

Community Supporters
$1,000 - $49,000


American Mathematical Society

Aon Risk Services Northeast, Inc.

Arc of Blackstone Valley

Arthur & Martha Milot Fund

Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co.

AstroNova, Inc.

Automatic Data Processing, Inc.


Baker Family Fund

Bally's Tiverton Casino & Hotel

Bally's Twin River Lincoln Casino Resort

Barton Gilman LLP

BayCoast Bank

Beacon Mutual Insurance Company

Blackall Fund

BNY Mellon Wealth Management

Boss Family Fund for Learning Opportunities

Bristol County Savings Bank

Bristol Warren Regional School District

Brown Physicians, Inc

Burns & Levinson LLP

Cameron & Mittleman

Cap Ex Advisory Group

Catepillar, Inc.

Cavanagh Company


Children's Friend and Service

Coastal1 Credit Union

Cranston Teacher's Alliance

Cumberland Farms

Customers Bank

David McCahan, Jr & Nancy NcCahan Fund

DeMoulas Super Market

Duffy & Sweeney, LTD

Edna N. Davol Fund

EMC Insurance Companies

Emily Nicholson Designated Fund

Emma and Ely Oppenheimer Fund

Emma L. Myrick Memorial Fund

Endurance Wealth Management

Enterprise Holdings

Ernst & Young



Ferland Corporation


Fogarty Center

Foster Forward

General Dynamics Mission Systems

Genevieve C. Weeks Fund

George & Evelyn Ingleby Fund

George & Naomi Sawyer

Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce

HarborOne Bank

Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

Henry P. & Priscilla B. Eldredge Fund

Hinckley Allen & Snyder LLP

Hindley Manufacturing Company

IHeart Radio

International Manufacturing Services,

International Packaging Corp.


ITW Companies

Janci Foundation

John and Mary Wall Fund for United Way

John R. Hess Company, Inc.

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Wales University

Johnson Controls

Johnston Public Schools

Julius and Jesse Richmond Fund for the United Way

Julius and Jesse Richmond Palmer Fund

Kahn Litwin Renza & Company, Ltd.

Katherine F. Hubbard & Josephine H. Williams Fund

Kenney Manufacturing Company

Key Container Corporation

Kimberly Clark


Laborers' International Union of North

Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

Lifespan Corporate Services

Locke Lord, LLP


Mary Yonker Trust

McLaughlin & Moran, Inc.

McLaughlin Research Corporation

Meehan Foundation

Meeting Street

Merrill Lynch

Molina HealthCare

Morgan Stanley

Murray Family Charitable Foundation

Naomi and Viola Osterman Fund

Narragansett Bay Commission

National Grid

Nationwide Insurance

Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island

Newport Restaurant Group

ParsonsKellogg, LLC

Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP


Pearle W. & Martin M. Silverstein Foundation

Peggy and Henry Sharpe Fund for United Way

Providence Mutual Fire Insurance Company

Providence School Department

Raytheon Company

Rhode Island AFL-CIO

Rhode Island Credit Union

Rhode Island Monthly

RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence

RI Federation of Teachers and Health

RI Image Joseph Morel Photography

Rite-Solutions, Inc.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Peirce

Robinson & Cole LLP

Rockland Trust

Roger Williams University

Rupert C. Thompson Jr. Fund

Sansiveri, Kimball & Co., L.L.P.

Sayer Regan & Thayer, LLP

Schneider Electric

SouthCoast Wind

Stanley Tree Service Inc.

Starkweather & Shepley Insurance

State of Rhode Island Retirees

Target Stores

Textron Inc.

The Damon Company

The Hanover Insurance Group

The Ruth & Samuel Markoff Foundation

Thrive Behavioral Health

Toray Plastics (America), Inc.

Town of Bristol

Tuition Management Systems/Nelnet



Victor & Gussie Baxt Fund

Warwick Teachers Union

Wells Fargo Advisors

Westerly Community Credit Union

Women's Fund of Rhode Island

Wood River Health Services, Inc.


Zachry Group

Warsaw Poland - July 24, 2023: New Twitter logo X. Elon Musk change Twitter logo. Smartphone with Twitter logo on the screen.

Adios, X/Twitter

Dear United Way of Rhode Island Community, 

We wanted to share an important update about our social media strategy. After careful consideration, United Way of Rhode Island has made the decision to take an indefinite break from Twitter/X. While we recognize the role that digital platforms play in amplifying our work and connecting with our community, this decision aligns with our commitment to building a stronger and more equitable Rhode Island for all.  (more…)


No matter who wins the presidential election, we must tackle the issues in Rhode Island ourselves

The Boston Globe RI

Addressing housing, education, and workforce problems will require a renewed commitment to collective work, community engagement, and social justice, according to United Way of Rhode Island.


Untitled design (6)

United Way of Rhode Island impulsa la equidad y el compromiso cívico

WPRI 12 Informa

En una reciente entrevista en 12 Informa, María Elena Wah-Fitta, Manager of Brand Voice en United Way of Rhode Island, destacó los esfuerzos de la organización para promover la equidad racial y apoyar a las comunidades más vulnerables del estado.


Headshot of Kyle Bennett.

Bennett Named Chief of Staff & Public Affairs Officer


Kyle Bennett, who has long been at the forefront of United Way of Rhode Island's legislative and policy work, has been promoted to the organization's Chief of Staff & Public Affairs Officer. Most recently, he served as senior director of public policy and equity, and joined United Way in 2006.


United Way Honors Local Champions at 98th Annual Celebration

It’s been a year of creating a stronger, more equitable Rhode Island, and as United Way used its 98th Annual Celebration to cast light on the change made possible when our community works together, the organization also honored local champions who have gone above and beyond in service.

United Way of Rhode Island Receives $20,000 from Point32Health Foundation to Support “United We Vote RI” Campaign

Providence, R.I. (October 15, 2024) – United Way of Rhode Island has received $20,000 from Point32Health Foundation to support its ongoing “United We Vote RI” campaign as the November election draws closer. The grant is part of a larger investment by the foundation to support advocacy work to promote policies that include the perspective of […]

United Way of Rhode Island Elects New Members to its Board of Directors

United Way of Rhode Island has installed a slate of five new members to its Board of Directors, each bringing a unique and powerful perspective to the organization and its mission to create opportunities for all Rhode Islanders. Read more.

Paola Fernandez Appointed Chair of United Way Board of Directors

United Way of Rhode Island has named a new chair of its board of directors, appointing Paola Fernandez to the volunteer leadership position. Fernandez is senior vice president, community development officer for Centreville Bank and succeeds Dolph Johnson, retired executive vice president and chief human resources officer of Hasbro, Inc., who recently completed his three-year term as chair.

United Way Hires Tiffany Reed as Chief Development Officer

United Way of Rhode Island has welcomed a new chief development officer (CDO) to its team. The organization today announced the hiring of Tiffany Reed, who officially began her new role on Sept. 5. Most recently, Reed served as CDO for Tufts Medicine after holding the position of vice president, development, at Tufts Medical Center.

United Way Announces $1.5M in Providence Equity Fund Grants

During a press conference on Wednesday, Aug. 14, United Way of Rhode Island and the City of Providence announced the recipient organizations of $1.5 million in funding from the Providence Equity Fund. In total, 15 organizations have been awarded grants to support strategies that promote racial and social equity, economic mobility, and educational opportunities for underserved populations in Providence.

United Way Hosting Equity Challenge

As part of United Way of Rhode Island’s ongoing commitment to and demonstration of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the organization is preparing to host its 2024 Equity Challenge. All Rhode Islanders, individuals, and families, as well as local businesses, organizations, and groups are invited to participate in the challenge, which is being offered at no […]

United Way Accepting Applications for Providence Equity Fund

In collaboration with the City of Providence and aligned with its mission to build racial equity and opportunities for all Rhode Islanders, United Way has issued a request for proposal (RFP) for the Providence Equity Fund grant program. Available funding is to support strategies that promote racial and social equity, economic mobility, and educational opportunities for underserved populations in Providence.

United Way Hosts 12th Children’s Book Drive

United Way of Rhode Island’s Children’s Book Drive is back! In April and May, we’re teaming up with Books Are Wings to help Rhode Island children build their own libraries at home. Join us by buying and shipping books, dropping off books at one of our collection sites, or hosting a drive.

United Way Selects Leaders for Executive Director Learning Circle

Laser-focused on its work to support the needs of the state’s nonprofit community… United Way of Rhode Island has kicked off its latest Executive Director Learning Circle. The organization has selected 11 local nonprofit leaders to participate in the yearlong program that focuses on strategic development and increasing their organizations’ capacity to deliver their social impact work.

401Gives Registration Is Open to All Rhode Island Nonprofits

401Gives is returning on Monday, April 1, and United Way of Rhode Island invites all local nonprofits to participate and raise funds to support their mission-driven work. This year’s 401Gives is the fifth anniversary of what is the Ocean State’s largest single fundraiser to benefit and uplift the nonprofit sector.

Rhode Islanders Can Find Help With Medicare Open Enrollment

United Way of Rhode Island is offering assistance to those age 65 and older and adults with disabilities who need help enrolling in or reviewing their Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans for 2024 coverage. The current open enrollment period ends on Dec. 7 and is the only time at which individuals can make changes.

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